Additional practice problems with solutions. 

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Rate laws, or which reactant will dictate how fast a reaction will occur (RATE), is necessary for any reaction that creates an intermediate, a "halfway point' formed between the reactants and the final products of a reaction.

In these videos, we will learn how to determine the order of the reactants, or the effect of the reactant on the overall reaction rate.

Begin with the following video to find the order of the reactants

Then watch this video to learn how to mathematically determine the order of a reactant and rate law constant for a reaction.

#4.  Suppose you are given 35 mL of 0.1M Na2S2O3 and the solution is diluted with 15 mL of water.
a.  What is the initial concentration?

b. What is the final concentration?
This is the first post.  This Blog space is created for students to discuss chemistry topics with each other, help each other study outside of school, share thoughts on CP's, and collaborate on lab reports.  Mr. Rourke will provide feedback when he can, but don't rely on his feedback.  This is a space for students to help students.